By Francie Kelley, Executive Director Celiac Kids Connection
It is Volunteer Appreciation Week, a time for us to take a moment to thank all the special people who make Celiac Kids Connection great. THANK YOU, it would be impossible to do all that we do without your hard work and dedication.

There is nothing that we do that does not require volunteer effort. We have volunteer families that act as Welcome Families, teens that contribute Green Ribbon Projects, and a family that prepares the Welcome Baskets. Our newsletter writers and editors are all volunteers. Our volunteer board oversees the group’s activities and with their families work hard at all of our events. We have over 10 teens acting as mentors for younger members. The staff at Boston Children’s Hospital is generous with their time supporting our activities. Members organize and host Small Group Gatherings in their area. Every event requires people to come early to set-up, stay late to clean-up and assist during the event.
To all of our magnificent volunteers, we are grateful for your contributions to Celiac Kids Connection.