GluTeen Free: A Letter to my Younger Self

I’m Abby B, a rising junior who has had Celiac for two and a half years. I play multiple sports and go to a small private Christian school, now located at my house because of Covid-19. I got diagnosed with celiac disease when I was in 8th grade and have had it for almost two years now. Since I go to such a small school I am the only one in the high school that has celiac disease and the only one who must eat strictly gluten-free, which is hard because many people and teachers don’t know or remember that I am gluten-free.  

Celiac disease is something that with time becomes easy to manage and to live with but those first few months where you are plunged into having to change everything in your entire life, it can feel horrible. When I was first diagnosed with celiac disease in 2018 honestly my main question was just what it meant to be gluten-free. When I went to my doctors because I wasn’t feeling well my mom threw out that I might have celiac disease as an option but almost as a joke (we thought I had mono or maybe Lyme disease) as we were walking in. When I asked her what celiac disease was, I immediately laughed when she said that it meant going gluten-free because before celiac disease I ate at least a box of pasta a week, if not more. I had a bag of goldfish every night as a snack and to fuel up for basketball games I’d eat a sourdough bread bowl.  

I loved gluten and I had no idea that there was even a disease that could take that away from me. Two years later as I am writing this thinking back to how I was 100% sure that I could not have celiac disease, I can’t believe how wrong I was and how looking back the clues were actually pointing to that diagnosis.

Perhaps you just were diagnosed with celiac disease, and you should know that the first month or two feels crazy.  You attend a nutrition class where they tell you all the things that you aren’t allowed to eat anymore (even things that weren’t obvious to me like Rice Krispies since they use malt flavoring) and how you have to change your diet. After that you have to brave the grocery store, walking up and down every aisle checking the ingredients on every item and it can feel overwhelming, sad, and frustrating. Then you have to go through the process of telling everyone what celiac disease is and what it means for you. Its a whirlwind few months!! But I hope I can encourage you that eventually, it does get easier, things settle down and you get used to being gluten-free and helping those around you understand what it means.

Looking back on when I was first diagnosed, I wish there were somethings that I had done differently or had better resources.  One of the big things that was hard was telling my friends.  It’s crazy to think that having been diagnosed for maybe a day or week you are expected to explain to your friends what has happened to you and what it means, while at the same time still trying to answer those questions yourself.  I wish I had an easier way to explain it to them, or had taken time to talk to them sooner in the process. Just recently I had to go in for some further testing including a second upper and a new lower scope – none of that is easy teenage chit chat. If I had been more open upfront, it might have been easier to explain when I hit a rough patch in my health.  

Another thing that I wish had been told is that despite what it feels like when you first are sitting in the nutrition class learning about the hidden dangers in some foods, there are a ton of great gluten-free substitutes for what you used to eat. You will just have to get a little creative and learn to talk directly to the store and restaurant managers.   

Lastly, I wish future me could have just told my eighth-grade self that despite what it feels like, it does get better and at a faster pace than you would expect. 

Everyone is different and every person’s journey through being diagnosed to your new normal life is different. Maybe you knew what celiac disease was before you were diagnosed, or maybe you were finding out as you were diagnosed. But it gets better and it gets more manageable. Just maybe don’t laugh and think it’s impossible when you are told that you might have celiac disease!

Temporary Policy for Food Labeling Requirements during COVID 19 pandemic. What does this mean to the celiac community?

By Tara McCarthy, MS RD LDN, The Celiac Disease Program, Boston Children’s Hospital

Link to Temporary Policy

What has changed: In May 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came out with a temporary policy guidance to be used for ingredient substitutions due to disruptions in supply or food shortages during the pandemic. Specifically, manufacturers will be temporarily allowed to make minor ingredient substitutions without full disclosure or making changes to the ingredient label. The aim is to provide flexibility for manufacturers so that the food supply is stable.  The full document has many good examples of substitutions.  It is important to gather all the facts first and see how this could be worrisome for those patients with celiac disease before we start to stress.

The role of the FDA is to ensure safety of the food supply and they have clearly indicated that allergens, including gluten, are safety concerns. This is reiterated throughout the document and the FDA is telling manufacturers that they should not make substitutions that would cause an “adverse health effect”. In the policy, the FDA outlines general factors for manufacturers to consider, including:

  • SAFETY: the ingredient being substituted for the labeled ingredient does not cause any adverse health effect (including food allergens, gluten, sulfites, or other ingredients known to cause sensitivities (see section C.2.a) in some people, for example, glutamates);
  • QUANTITY: generally present at 2 percent or less by weight of the finished food;
  • PROMINENCE: the ingredient being omitted or substituted for the labeled ingredient is not a major (prominent) ingredient (for example, replacing rice flour for wheat flour in a muffin) or an ingredient that is the subject of a label statement (such as, butter in a cookie with a “Made with real butter” claim)
  • CLAIMS: an omission or substitution of the ingredient does not affect any voluntary nutrient content or health claims on the label”

This is the only mention of gluten in the document, as later the recommendations refer to substitutions that would cause “an adverse health effect”. The section on claims means that gluten should not be added to products with a gluten-free claim.

The FDA is concerned that consumers be notified of changes even if they can’t tell by reading the label. “For transparency and consumer awareness, we recommend that manufacturers use alternative ways, such as posting information to their website or through point of sale labeling, to communicate to consumers any changes, such as ingredient omissions or substitutions, that are not reflected on the product label”. The document uses the words should or recommend which means it is suggested or recommended but NOT required per the document.

Looking at the temporary changes made, it also discusses guidelines that have not changed.  The guidance also specifically references the food labeling law Consumer protection act (FALCPA) also known as section 201(qq) of the Food Drugs and Cosmetics Act (FD&C). This law already protects the consumer for the top 8 allergens this includes wheat (very important for the celiac community), soy, dairy, eggs, fish, shellfish, peanuts and tree nuts.. In addition, per the document:

Avoidance Considerations In addition to the eight major food allergens defined at section 201(qq) of the FD&C Act, several other foods (such as sesame, celery, lupin, buckwheat, molluscan shellfish, and mustard) are recognized as priority allergens in other parts of the world including Canada, European countries, and Japan. There are also other ingredients (such as glutamates and sulfites) that can cause adverse reactions. Manufacturers should avoid substitutions that could result in a safety concern without making a conforming label change or providing other means to inform consumers of the change.”

As far as cross contact and the voluntary labeling such as made in a facility or may contain for allergens, these claims are NOT regulated and cannot be used to determine if a product is safe or not. This has NOT changed with this new temporary policy. You can and SHOULD always contact the company.

To summarize our recommendations:

  1. Always Read the labels and double check the products each time you buy them. Products change; with this temporary policy this may not be enough so we encourage families to call companies.
  2. Look for products labeled Gluten Free. If a product claims it is GF then the manufacturer is claiming that it contains less than 20ppm gluten.
  3. Contact the company with any questions and be specific.

Happy Handwashing! Stay healthy, safe and Gluten Free!

Our Gluten Free Journey

By Kelleigh Roffman

Greetings! Our family has been on our gluten-free (GF) journey beginning in 2012 when our then eleven year old twin daughters, Sarah and Kaitlyn, were diagnosed with celiac disease.  It has been our mission to make sure that they traveled the smoothest road possible while navigating the challenges of this disease. Even though the road can be bumpy at times, with a little research, planning and flexibility we have found that most anything is possible.

This is particularly true with two of our favorite things to do as a family: eat and travel!! The original purpose of this blog had been twofold: 1. Sharing places we have traveled and our tips for eating safely in places we visited and 2. Sharing our favorite gluten-free recipes and other resources that we have found helpful along the way. 

In light of all that has happened over the last couple months with the outbreak of Coronavirus, it seems more appropriate at this time to focus on recipes and resources.  I am not sure about all of you, but we have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen!

For this installment of the blog, I thought that I would focus on baking with gluten-free flours. I have listed below some of our favorites. We have had great success with these by substituting them cup for cup in any recipe.  While it may seem a little extra, I have found that weighing out the flour on a digital scale using 140g for 1 cup to yield the best results.  

Better Batter All Purpose Flour  (available online from and sometimes Amazon)

While Better Batter is considerably more expensive than the GF flour available in the grocery store, we have had luck with regular baked goods as well as making bread with it.  In particular, we have enjoyed the baguette recipe that accompanies the meatball sub recipe on Better Batter’s website.  It is very easy to make and the results are delicious.

Authentic Foods Multi Blend Flour (available from online retailers such as Vitacost and Amazon)

Even though this blend recommends using ¾ of a cup for every 1 cup of regular flour that a recipe calls for, we have used it with a straight up 1:1 substitution (weighing out 140g of flour on a digital scale).

Bob’s Red Mill 1 to 1 Baking Flour (available in most grocery stores)

This flour is much more affordable than the other two listed above.  While we prefer to use Better Batter and Authentic Foods Multi Blend Flour, this is a much more economical option and produces great results. 

We would also love to hear what flours other people are enjoying. Please feel free to share in the comment section below.

We are happy to be in touch with families who are traveling along the same gluten free road and share our journey(s) with you! Stay tuned!


Directory Updated 5/27/2020

Many of you have told us that you are having trouble finding gluten-free (GF) food during the pandemic. We have reached out to local businesses to create a directory to find GF food and support small and local businesses

Click Here to Download

If you know of a business that would like to be included, post their information in the comments section and we will reach out to them.

We hope you find this directory useful.

GluTeen Free: Covid-19 Celiac Routine

I’m Abby B, a 10th grader who has had Celiac for two years. I play multiple sports and go to a small private Christian school, now located at my house because of Covid-19. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease when I was in 8th grade, almost two years ago. Since I go to such a small school I am the only one in the high school that has celiac disease and the only one who must eat strictly gluten-free, which is hard because many people and teachers don’t know or remember that I am gluten-free.  

Since Covid-19 has hit it has been a whirlwind for everyone.  As a teenager with celiac disease the virus has made my life easier in some ways, and harder in others. 

It’s been easier because I am eating at home for basically every meal.  That means everything that I eat is controlled. For people who have celiac disease, eating at home in a controlled environment is less stressful and easier. Even though, my Mom would rather eat out every day and gets really tired of making so many meals! It is also easier because I am able to find the right balance of nutrition throughout the day. At school, I am limited to eating only when allowed but at home, I can eat whenever so that I am always energized (which is amazing for me but it drives my mom crazy because she wants us to be hungry at dinner time instead of just eating snacks).  

In other ways, it’s been more challenging because it’s harder and harder to find gluten-free food in the grocery stores. Some of my favorite foods like Barilla pasta or King Arthur’s muffin mix are never sold in the stores anymore. My parents have ordered online and managed to find the foods I need such as baking flour and pasta, but each time the delivery dates take longer and longer and based on my mom’s description of the grocery store, it’s clear many people are buying gluten-free food because the regular things (like pasta) are out. They may not be gluten-free, but they buy it anyway and that has been especially frustrating.  

The good news in all this (especially for my Mom) is that despite the fact that most places are closed, there are some places that are open for takeout and have amazing gluten-free options! Some of my favorite places that we have ordered takeout from are American Flatbread in Portsmouth, NH, Rev Kitchen & Bar in Beverly, Burtons in North Andover, and Chick-Fil-A in Woburn. My parents have been to all of the places and I have come to some of them in the car. They are very aware of the social distancing rules. Everyone wears gloves and masks and you have the ability to pay online so you don’t come in contact with them.  My food is always labeled and in a separate bag or box.  These were some of my favorite places before Covid-19 and it’s helped me feel a sense of ‘real-life’ to order from them.  Plus my mom is happy that she doesn’t have to make dinner every night!

Sure being isolated in your home isn’t fun, but eating can be. I love eating. Since Covid-19 has hit, I have felt much safer about eating because I am able to control what goes in my body, compared to when there might be cross-contact at schools, sports events, or at restaurants that do not observe strict gluten-free rules. I know that having a home-cooked meal at the end of the day has been super helpful.  But it’s also nice to order out every now and then!   I’m sure that all our parents would appreciate it if the gluten-free supplies were better stocked at the stores and someday we all hope a restaurant or two will open up again. I know mine would!

Thank You Celiac Kids Connection Volunteers

It is Volunteer Appreciation Week! Even in these hectic times, we would like take a moment to thank all the special people who make Celiac Kids Connection great. THANK YOU!!! We would not be who we are without your hard work and dedication.

Celiac Kids Connections relies on our volunteers. There is nothing we do that does not require volunteer effort. Thank you to our

  • Board Members – who oversee the group’s activities and with their families work hard at all of our events.
  • Welcome Families – who connect with families new to celiac disease and the gluten-free diet
  • Bloggers – who make sure this website has the most up-to-date information
  • Mentors – who spend time (even while in quarantine) with their mentees
  • Newsletter writers and editors – who make our newsletter fantastic
  • Event Staff – who make our events run smoothly. Every event requires people to come early to set-up, stay late to clean-up and assist during the event.
  • Vendor Outreach Coordinator – who works with vendors ensuring we have samples for events and welcome baskets
  • Welcome Basket Family – who prepares and ships the welcome baskets
  • Small Group Hosts – who plan and run small group gatherings
  • Teens who complete Green Ribbon Projects – These are special projects that benefit our CKC community.
  • Boston Children’s Hospital Staff – who are generous with their time supporting our activities.

To all of our volunteers, we are grateful for your contributions to Celiac Kids Connection.

Thank you everyone.

GluTeen Free: How I go to School Dances without Feeling Awkward

By Abby Baird

I’m Abby B, a 10th grader who has had celiac disease for two years. I play multiple sports and go to a small private Christian school. I got diagnosed with celiac disease when I was in 8th grade and have had it for almost two years now. Since I go to such a small school I am the only one in the high school that has celiac disease and the only one who must eat strictly gluten-free, which is hard because many people and teachers don’t know or remember that I am gluten-free.  

One thing that is challenging is going to school-sponsored dances. Since my school is so small and I am the only one with celiac disease almost every time I end up bringing in my own food in a brown paper bag. Now I don’t know about you but going to a school dance in a fancy dress and taking a bunch of pictures with your friends while carrying a brown paper bag isn’t very fun. I mean who wants to be outshined by a brown paper bag?? Definitely not me! It isn’t easy to be the odd person out, especially in high school when it’s all about fitting in. 

This past dance that we had at my school, instead of going the brown paper bag route, I went and talked to the Dean who is in charge of overseeing the event. I let him know that I had celiac disease and that I would not be able to eat any of the provided food.  He asked me a few questions and looked at the catering menu. Then, instead of asking if I could just bring my own food, he made sure that when I got to the dance there would be special Gluten-Free food just for me. Just something as simple as talking to your school leadership and asking if they can provide food for you can work. Another option that I have done in the past is to have the food sent beforehand. One year when my school could not provide food for me, my mom made a meal for me and gave it to one of the chaperones. The chaperone, in turn, put my meal out next to the catered meal.  Come dinner time I had something that I could eat that was already all set up for me and I didn’t have to carry the infamous brown paper bag to the dance. 

It’s not easy to have a dietary issue where you are constantly having to do special things just so that you can eat. It can easily get to the point where you feel out of place. Sometimes the best option is to just talk to the person who is in charge of it and sometimes it just requires a bit of extra planning. 

COVID-19: Want to help fellow celiac families in need?

By Marie Ericson, Board Chair, Celiac Kids Connection
Originally Posted 3/17/2020 and updated 4/7/2020

During this difficult time there are ways you can help other families. Here are a few of the ways you can help:

  1. Donate gluten-free (GF) food items to the Gluten-Free Food Bank:
  • There will be a need for GF food items at local food pantries. Contact your local food pantry and ask what their needs are. They will let you know if you can donate GF items or grocery store gift cards which can be ordered on Amazon. They may be operating on a reduced schedule or have limited hours. So, be sure to call first.
  • Make a financial donation to the Gluten-Free Food Bank
  • Make a financial donation to the Greater Boston Food Bank or your local Food Bank
  1. Contact your local school food service administrator to see if any families in your area might need GF meals
  • Coordinate within your local school authorities to safely get the food to those in need. They may already have plans in place and need volunteers to help distribute meals using safe social distancing practices.
  • Contact your favorite GF, celiac safe restaurant and see if they can donate some meals or buy meals to be delivered to those in need.  Many restaurants are already doing this using safe no contact/curbside pick up or delivery.
  1. Any other ideas? Let us know!

If you need help, contact your local food pantry or school administration. Schools that get money from the USDA should have plans in place for families in need of food services that have special dietary restriction

From the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, March 30, 2020: 

“There are over 1,000 meal sites open across the state. To find a site near you, please visit the Project Bread meal site finder online at or contact them by phone at 800-645-8333″

Keep your self and your family safe. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Being Prepared for COVID-19 with Celiac Disease

By Francie Kelley, Executive Director, Celiac Kids Connection

The emergency declarations, school closings and spread of COVID -19 has all of us asking questions. Celiac Kids Connection wants to make sure that you have the information you need.

There is great information out there. Boston Children’s Hospital has a number of resources available on its website. This includes information specific to children and includes a segment on how to talk to your children about the virus. The commonwealth of Massachusetts and the CDC also have great information.

Check out these resources
Boston Children’s Hospital
Commonwealth of Massachusetts

The most important advice we get from all sources is to wash our hands, avoid contact with those who are sick and to stay home when we are sick. We are also told to be prepared with 14 days of supplies in case we are quarantined.

For those with celiac disease, your food supplies should include an assortment of gluten-free (GF) food. You should also consider that if you find yourself in a situation where you are reliant on the Red Cross, National Guard or other emergency relief services, they may not be familiar with or prepared for your GF diet. Make sure you are taking care of your GF food needs.

Great options for GF supplies include
Canned meats
Tuna Beef jerky
Peanut Butter
Canned fruit Fruit
Powdered milk
GF Crackers
GF Cereal
GF Bars

When you cannot get to the store, on-line resources can help. Many local stores have services to order on-line for home delivery. Amazon has a lot of GF foods. Many of your favorite GF food manufactures also have programs for delivery directly from them. Be sure to explore these options.

Keep yourself and your family safe. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Navigating Celiac at College

By Anna Cass and Jessica Cohen

Jessica Cohen and Anna Cass have teamed up to help you navigate celiac disease at college. Learn about Jessica and Anna. In the months to come we will be sharing our experiences with you.

My name is Jessica, and I live in Worcester, MA. I was diagnosed with celiac disease at the end of my freshman year of high school. Since I was diagnosed pretty recently, I am still acclimating to living gluten free. I like to think that I have gotten a handle on my celiac disease in my own city, but I know that moving from high school to college will be a big shift. My “college search”, already stressful, has the added weight of navigating celiac disease away from home.

There’s already so much to consider when looking at colleges, and adding dietary restrictions to that list can be overwhelming. I have found that going on college tours takes a lot of research on my part. Before ever stepping foot on the campus, I spend time on the school’s website. Things like where dining halls are located, how much storage the dorm rooms have, how the dining halls are set up, nearby stores and restaurants, and student testimonials can be incredibly helpful in imagining your future at a school. Once I am on the grounds, I ask the tour guide questions and pay attention to details around me. I have to balance evaluating the school with checking my research about the food options. The bottom line is that nobody knows your dietary needs better than yourself- you have to advocate and trust your instincts. 

My name is Anna, I attend college in Waltham, MA. I was diagnosed with celiac disease my sophomore year of high school, and experienced what Jessica is talking about while I was looking at colleges. I researched my college, I asked all the right questions, and I still ran into problems when I got to school. Mislabeling, not enough food options, and navigating food-centered social situations was overwhelming. I worked extensively with my dining hall, I advocated fiercely, and I communicated with my friends. Things were not easy, but I learned a lot about effective ways to solve these problems. I’m excited to share those solutions with you. I hope my experience will help others solve problems when they inevitably arise. As someone on the other side of the college admissions process, I can help you figure out what questions to ask before matriculating, and what to do once you’ve decided to enroll.

This process might feel overwhelming, and there are some things you might want to “just deal with when I get there”. Instead, I urge you to communicate with your school ahead of time and set yourself up for success.

We’re creating this blog to help you advocate for yourself and ultimately feel safe, comfortable, and welcome if you’re choosing to attend college. Celiac disease can be difficult to manage at times, but by no means should it prevent you from experiencing everything college has to offer.