At School

Children with celiac disease are able to have fun and engaging school experiences. There is no reason they should not be able to fully participate in all aspects of school life. But you cannot assume that your child’s teacher and other school personnel are as experienced as you are in dealing with celiac disease. As parents, we must educate the educators.

With this in mind, we have provided tools to aide you in developing a working relationship with individual teachers, school staff and the school system. These tools will help you build positive relationships, while also educating and advocating for systems to minimize your child’s risk of exposure to gluten.

In working with your child's school, it is important to remember that your child is one of many, each of whom brings his or her own special needs and concerns to the classroom.

Materials can be downloaded and distributed to those you think would benefit from the information.

Managing Celiac Disease in Learning Environments
“Managing Celiac Disease in Learning Environments” outlines recommendations from a national coalition of educators, health care professionals, food service providers, advocacy groups, and parents/guardians to develop standardized recommendations and training resources to ensure the safety of a child with celiac disease in any learning environment.

Download Now

Tips For Eating Safe GF School Provided Meals
Ensuring your child receives safe gluten-free (GF) meals at school can be a challenge. However, taking advantage of the school's meal program can significantly reduce your daily stress and grocery bills.

We have prepared a list of tips to follow to make sure your family doesn't miss out on the valuable benefit.

Download Now

Packing a School Lunch
Some families opt to pack a gluten-free lunch. Read about one family’s experience and how they streamlined that process.

Read Here
Celiac Disease Resources for Teachers
Please download for yourself and share the “Managing Celiac Disease in Learning Environments” book with other teachers and staff at your school. In addition, our page for teachers contains videos, resources and a sample 504 plan.

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact Celiac Kids Connection at Boston Children’s Hospital for additional support.

Teacher Resources

Celiac Disease Resources for Students and Families
Please download for yourself and share the “Managing Celiac Disease in Learning Environments” book with anyone you think would benefit from the information. In addition, our page for students and families contains videos, and resources to ensure a successful school experience for the child with celiac disease.

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact Celiac Kids Connection at Boston Children’s Hospital for additional support.

Family Resources

Celiac Disease Resources for School Adjustment Counselors
Please download for yourself and share the “Managing Celiac Disease in Learning Environments” book with anyone you think would benefit from the information. In addition, our page for school adjustment counselor is a training session providing the latest guidance on the management of celiac disease in schools, forming partnerships with food service providers, and the social emotional and adjustment issues students with celiac disease face in the school environment.

If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact Celiac Kids Connection at Boston Children’s Hospital for additional support.

Counselor Resources