My child has been diagnosed with celiac disease, now what do I do?
Your child has just been diagnosed with celiac disease and you have been told s/he needs to adopt a gluten-free diet.
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For most of us, this prospect is overwhelming and you may be wondering if your child will ever eat again. Rest assured you and your child can do this. Relax, breathe and follow these first steps towards your child leading a physically and emotionally healthy gluten-free life.
The Celiac Kids Connection has created this list to help transition to the gluten free diet.
- Following diagnosis, make an appointment with the dietitian at Children’s to guide you through the nutritional component of a gluten free diet. The phone number is 617-355-6058, option 2.
- Print the document “Week of gluten free meals” on our website to get you started. Click here to view the weeks menu. We have compiled a listing of products to give ideas for the meals.
- Join the Celiac Kids Connection to connect with other families and get information on living gluten free.
- Now that your child needs to eat gluten free know there are many options for you.
You will need to read ingredient labels to confirm gluten free. As a result of the Food Labeling Act and Consumer Protection Act of 2004, the top 8 allergens must be clearly listed on ingredient labels. Wheat is one of the top 8 and is easy to find on labels. If you are unsure of a products gluten free status be to call the manufacturer. - We have compiled a list of gluten free friendly products for you to start. To view the listing click here.
If you have any questions feel free to contact the Celiac Kids Connection at celiackidsconnetion@childrens.harvard.edu.